Hydraulic Studies and Upgrades
Various Stormwater Pump Stations
Client: Illinois Department of Transportation
Location: Schaumburg, Illinois
Donohue designed improvements for IDOT’s Pump Station No. 27, the existing main drains, and an outlet channel for drainage from tributary areas of I-94, I-57, and the Stony Island Extension in the southern section of Chicago. The project consisted of conducting field surveys for stream cross-sections, hydraulic structures, roadway profiles, and expressway sewer systems; watershed and sub-basin delineation; and determination of critical storm durations and runoff hydrographs from each sub-basin to main drains under I-94, I-57, and the Stony Island Extension.
Pump Station No. 27 (345 mgd capacity), with its extensive and highly developed drainage area, is the largest IDOT drainage facility in the Chicago area. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletins 70 and 71 and the Rational Method, TR- 20, HYDRAIN, HEC-1 and HEC-RAS computer programs were used to perform the hydrological and hydraulic analyses. The recommended alternative included relief sewers, detention storage, and channel improvements and stabilization.
Donohue has provided engineering design and construction phase services for several other IDOT pump stations, including Nos. 30, 21, 48, 37, 5, and Bowman Avenue. These projects included structural, civil, architectural, mechanical, and electrical design. The projects must conform to all current and relevant standards and codes, including Department and Hydraulic Institute Standards. In addition, the completed stations must be consistent with unmanned operation and tie into the IDOT SCADA system with appropriate alarm and monitoring capabilities.