Donohue Vice President Terry Boyer presented the City of Charleston’s Nutrient Stewardship Project on July 15, 2021, at Terrydale Farms in Charleston, Illinois, hosted by the Coles County Farm Bureau. As part of their efforts to support education and outreach in the Embarras River Watershed, Coles County Farm Bureau partnered to host a field day focused on conservation practices. Presenters for this field day shared technical information about conservation, as well as updates on IEPA 319 Grant and Watershed Management Plan efforts.
Boyer has been working with the City of Charleston on various wastewater projects, including nutrient planning. Donohue is currently designing a biological phosphorus removal system to meet new lower phosphorus NPDES permit limits and a biosolids handling upgrade. The City’s wastewater treatment plant treats a design average flow of 3.3 million gallons per day (mgd) with peak design flows of 6.0 mgd.
The Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) continues to set environmental action as an organizational priority, following through by committing significant resources to do the job. The IFB Nutrient Stewardship Grant Program is one example of how IFB and county Farm Bureaus partner with other organizations to create lasting impacts in nutrient stewardship focused on innovative approaches to improving soil health and water quality. Donohue was honored to be a partner in making this event possible.